
Low Computer Memory Lowers PC Performance

Calling Dr. Memory....



?Computer memory is very important. If you remember whaaayyy back in the 1990's during the time of 486 computers, a snail speed personal information machine was normal. Waiting for every action of a 486 electronic brain could take from 3 to 5 minutes. Nowadays, the PC remembrance available on the market can jack-up speeds of every mouse action to milliseconds. This results in sky-rocketing speeds for thinking machine applications, enabling them to load even faster than the regular blink of a electronic brain screen.

PC applications, however, can create an imbalance in the machines speeds. High speed applications may tire out the equipment if the PC's available thought processor is insufficient to run the installed application. The result is equipment failure. Often times, one can observe low performance from pop-up windows that warn the user of a low virtual recall. This virtual recollection is like a swap file. A swap file is a special file in the hard disk that functions like a Random Access Memory or RAM. Swap files and virtual memories are like special caches that are the last defense from the threat of the PC shutting down. 

Once a PC user encounters such warnings from their pop-up windows, it is advised that an upgrade be done immediately. Using a machine with a low recollection will be futile or useless because it may result in one of two things: (1) the equipment will suddenly crash in the middle of a running program or (2) it will abnormally restart without warning to the anguish of the user. 

It is a good thing that retention chips are continuously being upgraded to accommodate the required revival speeds of the latest data storage such as cd and dvd disks. The speed of PC storage is called clock speed and is measured in frequency or Hertz. The latest speed available for PC enhancement is about 400 MHz. That is exponentially beyond the speed of old 486 machines.      

Also, the latest configurations in most machines require the use of separate recall chips for the microprocessor and the output requirement of the PC, most notably, its video output. Aligned with the current high video profile games available, computer memory chips are now being hardwired to serve specific outputs of the equipment.